They call to me from the store shelf, crammed together so it is difficult to determine where one plant ends and the next begins, making a purple and pink and green carpet, speckled with yellow.
Category: Life

That is what January feels like to me. Cozy. In my mind, January is full of gray days, cold temperatures, warm sweaters, and soft blankets. It’s my time to put away decorations and de-clutter, to

Coloring, drawing, gluing, cutting. These are everyday occurrences in our house. You can’t totally see it but there is a basket on the table with cups of markers, pencils, glue, and scissors and a big

Oh, my writing. How I’ve missed you, the act of sitting down and crafting sentences, putting specific words in order hoping to make something magical. It’s been three weeks and it feels like years. But

I want to go back, to when I knew, beyond any doubt, that reindeer flew through the sky by the light of a little red nose, to when the most important thing in my day

I do my best writing lying in bed at night, right before sleep. I know, I know, I should set a notebook beside the bed and when these great ideas enter my head, grab the
Lately, I feel like a bird who just flew into a window, dazed and shocked because I didn’t see it coming. Life sometimes happens that way, doesn’t it? Knocks you down and leaves you there.
Intention. One of my absolute favorite words. According to, intention means, “an act or instance of determining mentally upon some action or result.” Did you hear that? DETERMINING. As if you have a say in the results of your life. Ahhh. If this definition

My ten-year old self who wanted to be a wildlife biologist, living in Africa, grew up to be a 20-something college student who had no idea how to pursue that job and frankly, allowed fear
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Nine months ago I began working from home, my office window looking out onto my front yard. I would wake before 7, make some coffee, and watch the January sun rise over and through the
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When I was ten, my family read a book called, “Cry of the Kalahari,” by Mark and Delia Owens, their story of studying wildlife in the Kalahari desert in Botswana, Africa (why we read this
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“Joy is what happens to us when we allow ourselves to recognize how good things really are.” Marianne Williamson

When you don’t hear the good about your job enough or even at all, self-doubt creeps in. Or when a mentor, a higher-up, the boss, the director, blatantly criticizes you in front of your peers,

This is my path right now. Hazy at the edges, an unsure future beyond the few feet in front of me, and no concrete idea where it will lead or end. But from what I can