This week brought the end of the school year, for myself as a teacher in 7th grade science, and for my own children. The weeks leading up to it have been full – baseball games,

This week brought the end of the school year, for myself as a teacher in 7th grade science, and for my own children. The weeks leading up to it have been full – baseball games,
This week marked the 8th month of the beginning of the quarantine here in Maryland. Although things have ebbed and flowed – restaurants were open, then closed, then open only outdoors, then inside but limited
Heat and humidity have been the daily recipe for weather here in Maryland. We are going on week 5 of temperatures in the 90s. Yesterday morning the air was cooler, slightly crisp and I drank
Our little bubble, the one we have been living in for 14 weeks, the one where we ventured into public places as little as possible due to the pandemic, the one where we spent more
When I was a kid, my family and our best friends would head north, to the woods and lakes of Minnesota. For one week, we fished and swam and played and ate and lived outdoors.
Summertime is always the best of what might be. – Charles Bowden This year, winter didn’t come until Spring had officially begun, going out with a roar of 10 inches of snow. Spring crept in
If I could order up the perfect days, like we do our coffees and our lunches at local cafes, mine would have thin layers of laughter amidst chunks of peaceful moments, bits of sweetness surrounded
I take my kids outdoors because that is where I find inspiration and my soul finds peace. My parents did the same, driving us nine hours north of our home to a cabin on Deere
A very wise woman told me I live with a lot of rules. When I have a few moments, as I did late Saturday afternoon, the voice me inside said, “You should fold the laundry that is
Yes, this is kleenex on the back of our toilet. Normally, it’s in a box. Today, the box was gone. The following exchange was yelled between the bathroom and his bedroom: “Hey, buddy, where’s the
He was helping me get dinner together, which wasn’t much since we ordered pizza, but there were the plates and forks and napkins and drinks to set out. So we were working together in the
The robins are here and it is still January. Their robust orange/red breasts are difficult to miss against the dry, hay colored ground. There is no snow and I watch them peck at the hard
I do my best writing lying in bed at night, right before sleep. I know, I know, I should set a notebook beside the bed and when these great ideas enter my head, grab the
We are back to school here in Maryland, as I’m sure everyone is now. Look at those grins. Happy campers. Both them and me. They are filling their brains with all kinds of goodness and